
Free Engagement Session Planning App

March 20, 2020

Engagement session planning app

Engagement Session Tips | Lynchburg Wedding Photographer

At this time, we are experiencing a world wide epidemic. As a business owner, this is a scary time. This is income that affects my family and can really affect our goals and finances for 2020 and 2021. As a previous bride, I am so heartbroken for my EH Brides.

Some of my girls have been planning this day for over a year now and for it to get swept away by this mess is just tragic. I have been trying to think of different ways to help encourage all those new brides out with their wedding planning. I don’t want any of you guys to give up hope your dream wedding and just cancel your day!

With all the new bans in Virginia, I don’t blame all the brides who have considered canceling or postponing their day. I have been making plans for postponed dates and doing everything I can to help my brides make it through these decisions. Rescheduling a wedding day working with 10+ schedules with vendors is HARD.

I just want you to know that it is OK to NOT be OK.

It’s ok to be upset. I know that families are being affected all around the world in ways that are truly awful. If you are a 2020 bride you probably feel guilty for being sad and upset about your wedding plans because “that doesn’t compare to the trauma around the world”. I know that I felt that way when thinking about my couples and my business. However, in the words of my educator and mentor:

“Pain is pain. Valleys are valleys. Struggles are struggles. It’s still painful for you, and it’s painful for me. You can’t compare stories.”

– Katelyn James

This is a challenge that no one has had to go through before and I have been so shocked and amazed by brides who have taken this challenge head on! To see their determination, cheerful spirits, and good attitudes about it all is so encouraging to me.

Their friendship has meant so much to me during this time of crisis and it is so comforting to know that they want James and I to still be a part of their day!! So we are all working on choosing dates to postpone their wedding days so that we can still capture their story. I truly do have the BEST couples and am so blessed by their friendship and trust in our business.

lynchburg wedding photographer

As we continue to push on in the wedding world, I was trying to think of something that can help keep all the newly engaged couples busy and EXCITED for their wedding experience! So I am releasing my first ever FREE engagement session planning mobile app!!

I am actually sharing this free app earlier than I had planned to! Even though it’s definitely not the way I originally thought I would be sharing this resource, I think all the newly engaged couples would benefit from this now.

This Engagement Session Tips App includes:

  • Outfit advice

  • Accessories to include

  • What colors and patterns to wear

  • What fabrics are best

  • How to pick a location

  • Ring tips

  • and more!!

While we are all quarantined to our houses, why not browse online for the perfect engagement session outfits?? Pinterest has a plethora of outfit ideas but it can be overwhelming from all the choices. Check out your favorite brands and take this time of social distancing to look at reviews for outfits and find the look that represents you.

You don’t have to buy them right now but maybe you can look at your options for when things go back to normal?? If you’re like me, I pretty consistently have a few items left in my cart on multiple sites… I know I can’t be the only one right?!

So enjoy this free app and I hope that this helps keep your mind off of the chaos for a brief moment! I also encourage you to focus on what really matters. The wedding may be postponed but you still have each other, your families, and wedding guests that will wait to celebrate with you. So take this time to enjoy each other’s company and,

don’t let COVID-19 steal your JOY!



Matthew 6:25-27 New King James Version (NKJV)

25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. As your friendly neighborhood control freak, this is also a challenging verse. I want to control everything in my life and when things happen outside of my control, it is so hard to let go of those controlling thoughts. However, THANK THE LORD I am not in control!! I don’t have to keep that burden and stress on my shoulders and that is such a huge blessing.

I have found myself praying more than I used to because I know that my God is with me no matter what and there is such a peace in my heart knowing that my God is for me and He is with me even through the corona virus! God has always been and always will be in control. I pray that our world will take this opportunity of social distancing to start a fresh perspective on life and give the worry and stress to God.

If James and I can assist you in any way please don’t hesitate to reach out. I love you all and am praying you stay healthy and safe in the weeks to come!

Until next time,


Are you a photographer?? Create your own app with CloudSpot HERE!

Learn more about our services here!

lynchburg wedding photographer

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Hey there, I’m Emily! James, and I are a husband and wife wedding photography team based in Lynchburg, Virginia. We specialize in weddings and engagements and serve Virginia, DC Area, South Carolina, and beyond!


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Free Engagement Session Planning App

Free Engagement Session Planning App

Free Engagement Session Planning App

Free Engagement Session Planning App