Step Six- Groom


Step Six:

Just for the Men

glass hill wedding photographer

Outfit Tips:


  • We recommend that you avoid patterns that are smaller than a dime! These small patterns can create strange visual effects in a digital camera. (Some plaid designs are fine!)

  • Close-toed shoes photograph more high end than flip flops or tennis shoes.

  • We recommend avoiding graphic tees even for your casual outfit! If you really want to wear these things for one outfit, we can grab these shots at the very end of your session.

  • Please leave those sunglasses in the car as well as anything in your pockets!

  • This would also be a good time to have your hair freshly cut (including facial hair!). 

  • Wear some accessories! This could be class rings, watches, ties, special socks, etc.

  • If you MUST wear a hat please know, for variety’s sake, we will take some with & without it on. 🙂


Roanoke wedding photographer


Expectations & Reality


If you’re a bride that is a little anxious about how your groom is going to react to this whole “picture” thing, you’re not alone. We receive so many emails from brides who are worried that their groom won’t be into it and I have great news for you…. you both are more photogenic than you think! 

We are constantly surprising couples by discovering their hidden modeling skills and our most common response from our EHP Grooms is “That wasn’t as bad as I thought! It was actually fun”.  Boom! Mission accomplished! When the groom says that taking pictures was FUN, we have done our job well!

As you prepare for your shoot, there are a few things that you can do to help your groom know what to expect.  First of all, I highly recommend sitting down with your man and showing him 2-3 of your favorite engagement sessions that I have photographed. This will allow him to gauge what his expectations should be and get a little insight to the session. 

I also recommend that you allow for plenty of time to get to your shoot! There is nothing worse than when a couple shows up late, and they have been arguing in the car! That is definitely going to put your groom in a bad mood!

Last but not least, remember to have patience with him, and don’t assume that he’s NOT going to have a good time… I think you’ll be surprised how much you will both enjoy your session with us!

If he doesn’t have pressure or expectations put on him, he will be himself and that’s exactly what I need!! 


greenhouse wedding photographer


Here are some
galleries for you to look through!


Tips for Dressing Confident:  


We recommend that your groom wears something that flatters him the most, just like we discussed for you in step five. Grooms are the same way, in fact, some are even more conscience of their appearance than the bride!

We want you both to be really confident in your outfits, because we know that you will love your portraits so much more if you’re not worrying about how your clothes fit! Layers always help with hiding trouble areas. If there are some insecurities, let us know ahead of time and we would be happy to help hide or pose you guys in specific ways.

Sometimes a man feels confident and comfortable hiding under his hat. If it were up to me, I would say no hat the entire time haha but I know some guys feel that a hat can sometimes be a part of who they are… And that’s ok!! Let him wear the hat? I would rather be the “bad guy” and request him to take it on and off for different shots rather than you guys have a heated discussion about it. Most grooms are so grateful to wear it for part of the shoot they gladly take it off for different shots! – side note: He will have hat hair and there isn’t anything I can do about that haha

Last thing to make your groom comfortable is to compliment him! If you really want to set up this session for success don’t put pressure on him and TELL him he is going do great and that he looks amazing! Compliments from his bride can go a long way!!

This session is not on his list of favorite things to do, so let’s butter him up!!